

Dave Gorham

Dave began his meteorology career in the United States Air Force with highlights including weather support for Air Force One and Marine One, as well as The Raven Rock Military Complex. Additional Air Force experience with severe weather came in Tornado Ally while stationed in Oklahoma and tropical weather while stationed in southern Florida. On-air television followed the Air Force to be then followed by commercial forecasting for corporate aviation and then as the lead meteorologist for a top news radio station in Houston, Texas. Next was the development of a recording studio and on-camera weather product and talent development. In his spare time, Dave co-wrote and narrated an award-winning documentary movie. Now retired, Dave can be found at any number of Ironman events, including the World Championships, working for the television and live-stream teams piloting one of the broadcast motorcycles. A Texas resident now, Dave grew up outside of New York City on Long Island.


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Grant Haddix

Grant started flying in the 1980s and has logged about 2,300 hours of flight time. He holds several ratings, including single- and multi-engine, commercial, tailwheel and instrument instructor. He’s been flying in Texas for about 20 years and is familiar with all the Texas geographies and so, by necessity, considers himself a student of Texas weather.

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Len White

Len has also been flying since the 80s – since 1982, when he came to America from England. He has his single- and multi-engine, plus commercial ratings. He’s flown many missions for Angel Flight (now called Grace Flight), an organization that transports cancer patients to and from Houston and other Texas cities, as well as the neighboring states. He’s flown his family across the United States on many occasions. Of course, he’s done lots of Texas flying, is familiar with the Hill Country and Texas weather. He has logged about 1,500 flight hours.

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