Radar Contact Lost: The Podcast
"Radar Contact Lost: The Podcast" will discuss the tragic circumstances involved with some of the worst airplane crashes. When weather conditions are at fault or are a contributing factor to the accident (as is so often the case), the meteorology will be examined and explained. Hosted by a meteorologist with 40 years of professional experience including U.S. Air Force, broadcast and commercial meteorology. The Radar Contact Lost team includes experts from the fields of commercial meteorology, commercial aviation and air traffic control.
Radar Contact Lost: The Podcast
When Delta Flight 191 Crashed Into the Ground One Mile Short of the Runway: Part 2
In the conclusion of "When Delta Flight 191 Crashed into the Ground One Mile Short of the Runway," we will look at the complicated way weather information moves from the air traffic controllers to the cockpit and the various sources of weather data the pilots have access to - both today and in 1985. We'll also examine some factors that may have been rising frustration levels on the ground and in the cockpit. Other aspects of this episode will examine the emergency response to the crash, the ensuing trials, the NTSB accident report (Findings and Probable Cause), and the way this accident accelerated technology (like Doppler radar) to such a degree that this crash has been called one of the most influential aviation disasters of all time. We'll even take a look at the theory that it is safer to sit in the rear of an airplane, as opposed to sitting up front. This crash triggered advancements in technology, safety and training that touches every commercial aircraft and every one of us who flies today.