Radar Contact Lost: The Podcast
"Radar Contact Lost: The Podcast" will discuss the tragic circumstances involved with some of the worst airplane crashes. When weather conditions are at fault or are a contributing factor to the accident (as is so often the case), the meteorology will be examined and explained. Hosted by a meteorologist with 40 years of professional experience including U.S. Air Force, broadcast and commercial meteorology. The Radar Contact Lost team includes experts from the fields of commercial meteorology, commercial aviation and air traffic control.
Radar Contact Lost: The Podcast
When the C-124 Globemaster Crashed into a Mountain and was Buried Under Snow for 60 Years
This is the tragic tale of an Air Force cargo plane that went un-rescued for 60 years after it crashed in a blinding snowstorm and over some of the harshest terrain that Alaska has to offer. Lost and entombed in a glacier after the large Globemaster II crashed in 1952, it was finally recovered in 2012 thanks to an Air National Guard helicopter crew on a routine training mission. Today, each summer, dedicated members of the Air Force and Army return to the Colony Glacier to search for remains of the souls lost, as well as pieces of the C-124. What happened to this plane and why did it crash? Radar Contact Lost has the answers and proposes new ideas as to why the plane was where it was when it crashed.